Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The show must go on

Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on
Does anybody know what we are looking for

The lyrics are from a song by Queen or is it Freddy Mercury. Oh, no matter, it reflects my feelings at the momet.

Just as fast as we started our relationship, it ended. We have been together since the day we met and the day we desided to go our separate ways, it did not take long befor I was situated in a new place.
I have been together with my husband for almost 21 years, half my life.

I try not to think about my new situation by keeping muself bussy remodelin/decorating my new appartement.
So far it has been mostly painting, I want the place to be light and bright, to keep my spirits up.
here are some before and after pictures.
When I got the place I was very determned on painting all the floors, but as I was about to start on the livingroom floor I must admit I hesitated. A lot hardwood floor to cover up, now that it is painted I do not regret it, the result is just as I imagined it.
Just finished the first layer, the next one I will do tomorrow.
Now I just have to deside how I want to decorate the appartement:)

1 comment:

  1. Dette ble lekkert, elsker lyse gulv!! Har du bilder fra innredet rom også? Hadde vært spennende å sett) Må være deilig å kunne innrede kun etter eget ønske) Her er det stadig små diskusjoner, hi hi) Ønsker deg en flott søndag!Klem fra Camilla


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