Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Wood storage

Cosy advent lights in antisipation of Christmas, last sunday we lit the second candle counting down towards  the festive hollidays.
It is perched on top of on Expedit shelves I bought from IKEA.
Winter has finally arrived and it is getting colder and ligting the fireplace gives a warm and cosy feeling.
I got some fire wood and did not have a nice way to store it, so I just sett it on top of some brown packaging paper.

As you can see from the picture below it does not look very nice.
What I really want is a built in niche to put it in, but that means I have to get rid of the fireplace and construct a new one, to much hassle for wood storage. 
Then I got this bright idea that I can use shelves to store the wood.
So I went to IKEA, got single expedit shelfs for wall mounting and stacked them on top of eachother
They do give a look that I like, almost like niches
I think that two may be enough, because with three, the tiles that decorates the fireplace gets hidden
It would be nice to stack three on top of eachother, but as you can see only the top tile is showing.
I am not really sure yet, I might end up with three during winter and put one of them away during the warmer seasons.

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